Plant Food
Want to make your plants picture perfect? Double the amount of blooms or fruit and vegetables your plants produce?
Selecting the correct plant food for your plants is crucial to getting the best results. After all different plants require different nutrients to flourish. For example your acid loving plants like rhododendrons and camellias need Ericaceous plant food which helps prevent yellow leaves caused by iron deficiency and the result will be healthier looking plants within 7 days and double the amount of blooms.
Have you tried growing your own tomatoes but not getting much crop? Tomato plants need a general purpose plant food until they start to produce trusses. Once the trusses form you need to start feeding them with industry leader tomorite. Tomato Feed should then be used every 7-14 days to get the best results from your tomato plants.
If you have roses, Fuchsias or House plants your are looking to feed use your handy filter tool to find the perfect feed for your plants. We stock all of the UK's favourite brands including Miracle-Gro, Vitax and BabyBio To name a few.
Miracle-Gro 2in1 Nourish & Protect Eco Refill Spray
Miracle-Gro£5.99Miracle-Gro® 2 in 1 Nourish & Protect Rose, Shrub & Ornamental Ready To Use Plant Food is a dual-benefit, pesticide-free sprayer combining the feeding action of Miracle-Gro® Plant Food with the unique addition of natural castor oil creating a protective barrier against garden pests and diseases. Simply spraying the leaves every 2 weeks will lay a transparent layer of feed and protection on your plants.£5.99Miracle-Gro 2in1 Nourish & Protect Concentrate 800ml
Miracle-Gro£6.99Miracle-Gro 2 in 1 Nourish & Protect Seaweed Concentrate Plant Food is a dual benefit, natural growth stimulant that combines the feeding action of Miracle-Gro® Plant Food with the addition of seaweed that if used regularly, will improve plants’ resistance to frost and heat (abiotic stress).£6.99Levington Sulphate of Iron 1.5kg
Levington£6.99Levington Sulphate of Iron+ is ideal for ericaceous (acid loving, lime-hating) plants such as Rhododendrons, Azalea, Camellia, Heathers, Pieris, Hydrangeas, Roses, Blueberries and Acers. It helps make all soil nutrients available to plants allowing them to take up the nutrients they need. Works for several weeks.£6.99Sale
Plantsmith Invigorating Orchid Care Mist
Plantsmith£17.99£14.99Most of our favourite orchids originally come from tropical climates, where they flourish in humid conditions. Our warm, dry homes cause them to lose moisture quickly and can cause leaves to wilt and crisp, or flower buds to drop before opening. This is why you need to regularly use a houseplant mist spray, especially during colder months where central heating dries out the air in our homes. It’s important to keep your plants healthy by providing an environment they’re comfortable in. Our Invigorating Orchid Care Mist combines 12 essential ingredients to promote good health with every spray. The soft mist creates an ideal humid atmosphere and contains humic acid to stimulate plant growth as well as lavender and avocado oils to deter pests. How to use Plantsmith Invigorating Orchid Care Mist To use, shake the bottle well, and then mist the leaves until it looks like a fine dew has settled on them and then gently spritz the top of the compost to moisten it. Take care to avoid directly spraying flowers as excessive moisture can upset them. Aim to mist 2 to 3 times each week, year round.£17.99£14.99SaleSale
Plantsmith Perfecting Houseplant Care Mist
Plantsmith£17.99£14.99Most of our favourite houseplants originally come from tropical climates, where they flourish in humid conditions. Our warm, dry homes cause them to lose moisture quickly and can cause leaves to wilt and crisp, or flower buds to drop before opening. This is why you need to regularly use a houseplant mist spray, especially during colder months where central heating dries out the air in our homes. Our Perfecting Houseplant Care Mist combines 17 essential ingredients to promote good health with every spray. The soft mist creates an ideal humid atmosphere and contains kelp extract and humic acid to stimulate plant growth as well as lavender and avocado oils to deter pests. How to use Plantsmith Perfecting Houseplant Care Mist To use, shake the bottle well, and then mist the leaves until it looks like a fine dew has settled on them and then gently spritz the top of the compost to moisten it. Take care to avoid directly spraying flowers as excessive moisture can upset them. Aim to mist 2 to 3 times each week, year round.£17.99£14.99SaleSale
Plantsmith Houseplant Feed & Tonic
Plantsmith£17.99£14.99Inspired by formulations used by the professionals, our Fortifying Houseplant Tonic contains 13 perfectly balanced essential nutrients designed to encourage strong, glossy leaves and the growth of longer lasting flowers. How to use Plantsmith Fortifying Houseplant Tonic It’s best to feed houseplants regularly during their growing season, which runs from March to September. During this time, feed with our Fortifying Tonic every other time you water your indoor plants. Using it couldn’t be easier, simply shake the bottle well and mix 5 ml (approx. 4 pumps) into a litre of tepid water and apply at the base of the plant. For younger plants mix the same amount into 2 litres of water. Always make sure that your plants are not sat in water, as this will rot the roots and kill the plants. Come back and check 15 minutes after watering and pour away any excess pooled water. To give your plants an additional rejuvenating boost, combine with Plantsmith houseplant care mist. To promote healthy growth. Bottle size 500ml.£17.99£14.99SaleSold out
Vitax Organic Rose Food 900g
Vitax£3.99£2.99based on a traditional formula, Organic Rose Food contains the three major plants foods – nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Mixed together with natural magnesium to achieve healthy green leaves and abundant blooms, Organic Rose Food is a favourite amongst both rose and organic gardeners. Organic Rose Food:£3.99£2.99Sold outSold out
Vitax Hydrangea Feed 1kg
Vitax£4.99Use Hydrangea Feed to create the maximum visual impact in your garden. Hydrangea Feed contains the 3 major nutrients essential for healthy growth plus added magnesium to encourage abundant, vibrant flowers. Directions for Use: (NB 1 gloved handful contains approx. 35g) Apply when planting as a soil conditioner and as a topdressing in the spring. Rake, how or fork into the top surface of the soil, and in dry weather, water well for maximum benefit. When planting: Mix between 70-140g (2-4oz) with the soil for backfilling, depending on the size of the plant. As a top dressing: Apply 70g per sqm (2oz per sq. yard) evenly over the area covered by the canopy of the plant in early spring. Apply a second dressing after 6-8 weeks. Tips: Read all directions carefully before use. Store the fertiliser in a dry place away from children, pets and foodstuffs. Wash hands after use. Avoid fertiliser lodging in the leaves or stems of the plants. Brush up any spills Hydrangea Feed is not designed to change the colour of your hydrangeas. To achieve vibrantly coloured flowers, use a specially formulated hydrangea colourant.£4.99Sold outSold out
Vitax Tree Fern & Palm Feed 500ML
Vitax£5.99Tree ferns are growing in popularity, especially in gardens where there is a lot of shade. These slow-growing plants have stunning thick trunks which give gardens a tropical feel and thrive in sheltered, humid and shaded positions with humus-rich, neutral to slightly acid soil. In their natural environment tree ferns gain their nutrients from decaying vegetation that falls from the forest canopy into the crown of the tree fern. Tree Fern and Palm Feed replicates this process to maximise growth, maintain colour and ensure a strong healthy plant. Tree Fern and Palm Feed: Developed to replicate the nutrients found in decaying vegetation Can be used for tree ferns, ferns, palms, bamboo and grasses Contains a balanced mixture of major plant nutrients. The carefully balanced mixture of the major plant nutrients with added magnesium and trace elements makes Tree Fern and Palm Feed the perfect feed for tree ferns in pots and in the ground, indoor and outdoor palms, bamboos, grasses, and other ferns. As the trunk and crown of tree ferns will not tolerate drying out, water regularly to ensure the trunk remains damp. Spray the trunk with water during hot weather or dry conditions. To encourage rooting, don’t feed the plant during establishment. After the first year apply a liquid feed to the crown and trunk every 7 to 10 days during the growing season from mid-spring to mid-summer.£5.99Sold outSold out
Vitax Organic Liquid Seaweed 1L
Vitax£7.99This concentrated liquid seaweed extract helps to promote healthy growth of plants, flowers, fruit & vegetables, shrubs and trees. Regular use will help plants to withstand environmental stress, pest & disease attacks.£7.99Sold outSold out
Vitax Tub & Hanging Basket Feed Concentrate 1L
Vitax£4.99Keeps hanging basket plants bright and healthy Keeping hanging baskets and planters in continual bloom takes time and attention, and using a specialist feed such as Liquid Tub and Hanging Basket Feed will help deliver brighter and fuller blooms. Specially formulated with essential trace elements and wetters to improve penetration of the fertiliser into composts, Liquid Tub and Hanging Basket Feed makes 200 litres of feed, making it a cost-effective option. Liquid Tub and Hanging Basket Feed: Provides a tailored plant feed to produce brighter blooms Contains essential trace elements Use throughout the growing season To ensure your blooms last longer, use Liquid Tub and Hanging Basket Feed once a week, but ensure your plants do not dry out between feeds by keeping the soil moist, particularly during the hotter months. Shake the bottle well before use and store out of bright light. As with all plant feeds, keep out of reach of children and pets.£4.99Sold outSold out
Vitax Ericaceous Feed Concentrate 1L
Vitax£3.99A concentrated feed to help acid loving plants Ideal for azaleas, camellias and rhododendrons, Liquid Ericaceous Feed is a concentrated feed with added iron and manganese to encourage the strong, healthy growth of all acid loving plants. Promoting flowering, Liquid Ericaceous Feed has been developed as part of a new specialist range of feeds and fertilisers which meet the specific needs of gardeners looking for tailored solutions to help boost plant growth. Liquid Ericaceous Feed: Helps all acid loving plants Boosts leaf colour Promotes strong healthy growth and flowering Easy to apply, simply dilute as instructed and use in a watering can or foliar spray. If using a watering can, apply to the base of the plant and thoroughly soak the roots. Apply every two weeks from March to September. Mixed as a foliar spray, apply in the evenings but do not spray directly onto the flowers. Repeat on a weekly basis. Shake the bottle well before use and protect from frost. Read the instructions before use and keep out of the reach of children and pets.£3.99Sold outVitax All Purpose Plant Food Concentrate 1L
Vitax£7.99Feel good organic gardening Give your garden growing power and see it burst to life with Organic All Purpose Plant Food. Chemical free, this concentrated plant food is made from natural-based ingredients to help produce masses of flowers with eye-popping colour and bigger and better vegetables and fruit. Organic All Purpose Plant Food: Rich in organic nutrients with sustainably harvested seaweed for vigorous plant growth Child, pet, wildlife and bee friendly Can be used all around the garden and in the greenhouse. Organic All Purpose Plant Food is the plant food of choice if you are looking for feel good gardening with fantastic results. For use on flowers, shrubs, fruits and vegetables, start to feed plants in the spring when they are actively growing, right through to late summer. Cost-effective, one bottle can make up to 200 litres of feed. Helping to produce mouth-watering crops, Organic All Purpose Plant Food is eco-friendly and 100% vegan. One, 1 litre bottle will make up to 50 watering cans, or 200 litres of feed.£7.99Vitax Olive Tree Feed 0.9kg
Vitax£6.99Organic-based feed for healthier trees Vitax Olive Tree Feed has been developed to specifically meet the needs of Olive Trees to give healthier plants with dense foliage and strong growth. Organic-based, it contains added magnesium and trace elements which ensure a slow release of organic nutrients for healthier plants. Olive Tree Feed: - Can be used on trees both young to old, potted or planted out - Provides extended nitrogen release - Boosts fruiting. Its unique formulation not only contains organic-based nutrients, but also provides extended nitrogen release to nourish the tree for longer and help produce dense foliage. Easy to use, for established trees planted out in the garden, simply scatter the pelleted feed beneath the spread of the plant and lightly incorporate into the soil. If dry, water in. For olive trees in pots, sprinkle a handful of pellets around the base of the plant early spring and water in if necessary. Apply a further application in June. Always read the label prior to use.£6.99Sold out
Vitax Seaweed plus Sequestered Iron
Vitax£8.99A great tonic for lime hating plants Helping plants to develop healthy foliage and intense flower colour, Seaweed with Sequestered Iron is a multipurpose liquid fertiliser that can be used around the garden and even on lawns. An excellent choice for treating acid-loving plants such as rhododendrons and azaleas, Seaweed with Sequestered Iron can be applied throughout the growing season. Seaweed with Sequestered Iron: Corrects iron deficiency, preventing yellowing of the leaves in lime-hating plants Encourages the development of healthy foliage Can be used on lawns to ‘green up’ and toughen turf This feed’s versatility ensures it can be used for the garden, ericaceous plants, fruit, perennials, shrubs, vegetables and lawns. When using in the garden, Seaweed with Sequestered Iron can be used as a drench by thoroughly wetting the plant leaves. If using to support ericaceous plants such as heathers or camellias, apply once a month during the growing season. For all other bedding plants, fruits and shrubs, this adaptable feed can be applied once a month but should not be sprayed on blooms or fruits as it may stain. Always shake the bottle before use.£8.99Sold outVitax Liquid Growmore 1L
Vitax£4.99A balanced multipurpose feed Liquid Growmore is a popular general purpose liquid feed which can be used all around the garden. Perfect for establishing new lawns and growing fruit and vegetables. Liquid Growmore: Contains a balanced blend of three major plant foods Promotes heavy crops of fruit and vegetables, as well as beautiful flowers Ideal as a pre-seeding fertiliser for use before laying turf or sowing grass seed As Liquid Growmore contains nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, it provides essential nutrients for strong and healthy growth. Simply mix the stated doses with water and apply with a watering can for feeding in the spring. If using in the garden, water thoroughly around the base of the growing plant and continue to feed throughout the growing season. Liquid Growmore can also be used for plants grown inside a greenhouse or other outbuilding. Feed generously every week and ensure plants do not dry out.£4.99Sold out
Vitax Organic Rose Food Liquid Concentrate 1L
Vitax£5.99For healthy growth and brighter blooms Containing natural plant extracts and mineral nutrients, Organic Liquid Rose Feed is high in potash to help improve flowering. Suitable for organic gardens, the liquid feed contains trace elements which promote the strong, healthy growth of roses, top fruit and flowering plants. Organic Rose Food: Produces healthy growth and brighter blooms High potash feed with trace elements Water-in or use as a foliar spray Simple to use, apply at weekly intervals during spring and summer to moisten soil around the base of plants. Organic Liquid Rose Feed can also be used as a foliar spray. If using as a spray, use in the early evening or during times of shade from the sun. Do not spray directly onto flowers. Shake well before use and do not store in direct sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children and always read the label.£5.99Sold outSold out
Vitax Citrus Summer Soluble Feed 200g
Vitax£3.99Citrus Feed – Summer is a high nitrogen fertiliser developed specifically for all citrus plants. Many citrus fruits, such as lemons, kumquats and limes are not hardy but can be grown in pots outdoors in summer and brought inside during the colder months. Citrus Feed – Summer: High nitrogen content to support growth and improve fruiting Discourages premature ripening, fruit drop and leaf discolouration Apply weekly from April to September. Citrus are hungry plants and need feeding regularly. In summer water freely but allow the surface to partially dry out before re-watering. All citrus plants thrive in humid conditions but lemons and kumquats are more resistant to cold. Lime and grapefruit require warmer conditions throughout the year. Citrus flowers appear all year round and the fruit can take 12 months to ripen, so patience is required when growing. Citrus Feed can be stored indefinitely if sealed in an air tight container.£3.99Sold outVitax Organic Rooting Gel 150ml
Vitax£3.99Boosts rooting and establishment of cuttings Vitax Organic Rooting Gel is made from natural plant extracts to help rooting and establish cuttings. It contains no synthetic growth hormones or fungicides. Helps retain moisture during the vital early stage after taking the cutting Suitable for soft, semi-hard or hardwood cuttings£3.99Sold out
Miracle-Gro Compost Maker 3.5 kg carton
Miracle-Gro£5.99Miracle-Gro Compost Maker speeds up the composting process. Its nitrogen rich base helps to stimulate bacteria growth. It is suitable for Organic use and ideal for garden and kitchen vegetable waste. How to use On compost heaps: Sprinkle evenly over 20-25cm of composting material and lightly fork in. In compost bins: Mix evenly with 20-25cm of composting materials as the bin is filled. Site your compost bin or heap in a warm, sheltered part of the garden. For best results, it should be in contact with the soil and have a cover. Add a good mixutre of garden and kitchen waste, shredding or breaking up larger pieces. Do not add large quantities of grass, paper, card or woody branches all in one go. Keep the compost moist but not waterlogged. Water the heap if the waste is dry or woody. Forking over, mixing and turning the contents every few weeks or so will help the composting process. The top of the heap should be kept warm and moist by covering with a lid, polythene sheet or similar covering. Do not add cooked food of any kind as this can attract vermin.£5.99Sold outSold out
Miracle-Gro Magnesium Salts 1.5 kg carton
Miracle-Gro£3.99Miracle-Gro Magnesium Salts Natural Source of Epsom Salts are a natural source of Epsom salts suitable for oranic gardening. It prevents and corrects leaf yellowing, improves nutrient absorption into plants and produces lush, green, vibrant foliage. It is ideal for magnesium hungry crops such as potatoes, roses, tomatoes and pears. How to use As a root feed: sprinkle evenly over the soil, to an area slightly larger than that covered by tree/bush or plant. Gently work it into the soil surface with a hand fork or hoe without disturbing the plant roots. Water in thoroughly. Use Miracle-Gro Magnesium Salts whenever you need to green up yellow and unhealthy foliage. To prevent leaf yellowing or conifer browning, apply once a year, preferably in spring. To correct leaf yellowing or conifer browning apply when symptoms appear. Remember, plants also require other nutrients like nitrogen and potassium. Use this product in combination with a complete fertiliser like Miracle-Gro Growmore or a water soluble fertiliser like Miracle-Gro® All Purpose Soluble Plant Food.£3.99Sold outVitax 6x Pelleted Chicken Manure 8kg
Vitax£10.99Six to eight times richer than farmyard manure, 6X Pelleted Chicken Manure is a popular choice amongst gardeners looking for a 100% natural fertiliser. Highly concentrated, users only need to use handfuls of pellets rather than barrowloads. An ideal organic feed for flowers, lawns, vegetables, pot plants and baskets too, 6X Pelleted Chicken Manure contains trace elements which feed the soil. 6X Pelleted Poultry Manure: Weed and bug free No added ingredients Safe for all garden life and encourages the earthworm population Feeds the soil rather than the plant, 6X Pelleted Poultry Manure needs to be mixed thoroughly with existing soil for maximum results. Always water plants and crops in once planted as it is the nutrient uptake through the roots which boosts growth. Unused pellets can be kept from one season to the next and once empty, the container can be recycled.£10.99Sold out
Baby Bio Leaf Shine Aerosol - 200ml
Baby Bio£4.99Baby Bio Leaf Shine gives a long-lating natural - looking shine to a wide range of smooth-leaved house plants. No need to polish, no need to dust - just spray on.£4.99Sold outSold out
Baby Bio House Plant Food 175ml
Baby Bio£2.99Provides greener leaves and vibrant colours to all house plants Simply mix with water and pour on to plants For use in the house or conservatory Suitable for all house plants As with all fertilisers and chemicals, store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Always read the label and instructions. Where possible, wear protective gloves and wash hands thoroughly after use.£2.99Sold out