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Welcome to Windlebridge Nursery. The Tearooms is now OPEN
Welcome to Windlebridge Nursery. The Tearooms is now OPEN

FungusClear® Ultra 225ml Concentrate

by Clear
Sold out

FungusClear Ultra is a systemic protection and control of blackspot, powdery mildew and rust. Use on roses and other flowering or ornamental plants and protects new growth, protects plants for over 3 months.


How to use

  1. Apply using a garden pressure sprayer washed before and after use.
  2. Shake product well.
  3. Using measuring cap provided add 15ml for each litre of water in the sprayer.
  4. Shake sprayer to mix thoroughly and use immediately.
  5. Spray evenly, to just wet upper and lower surfaces of leaves. Avoid spray run-off from leaves. Avoid spray drift onto food crops.