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Welcome to Windlebridge Nursery. The Tearooms is now OPEN
Welcome to Windlebridge Nursery. The Tearooms is now OPEN

Vitax Garden Lime 3KG

by Vitax
Sold out
* Adds Calcium and Magnesium to the Soil
* Easy to Use
* Low Dust Pellets

Recommended Rates:

- Acid Soils:
Apply annually, preferably from September onwards at the rate off 200-400 grammes per square metre (6-12 oz per square yard)

- Normal Soils:
Apply every two or three years at the rate of 200 grammes per square metre (6oz per square yard)

- Home Composting
For an open compost heap - for each 20cm of garden waste, sprinkle 60 grammes per metre square or garden lime followed by a further 20cm of waste and then 60 grammes of sulphate of ammonia. Repeat until the heap is 1.2m high.