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Welcome to Windlebridge Nursery. The Tearooms is now OPEN
Welcome to Windlebridge Nursery. The Tearooms is now OPEN

Vitax Lawn Clear Ready to Use 750ml

by Vitax
Sold out

Kills the weeds other weedkillers leave behind

A ready-to-use spray, Lawn Clear tackles stubborn broad-leaved weeds without harming grass.

Lawn Clear RTU:

  • Fast-acting systemic action
  • Used to treat a broad spectrum of weeds
  • Contains clopyralid, 2,4D and MCPA

Apply once a year to treat plantain, creeping buttercup, white clover, common dandelion and daisy.

For best results apply during April to September when the soil is moist and the weeds are leafy and actively growing.

Lawn Clear RTU will kill weeds present at the time of treatment, but does not prevent them from germinating or prevent the re-growth of weeds following application.

Prior to application, do not mow the area to be treated for three days. Once Lawn Clear RTU has been applied, do not mow again for another three days.

Lawn Clear RTU is not to be used on newly established lawns (less than a year old).

Always take care when using plant protection products.